Saturday 6 July 2024


If I kill, it's because I don't have any choice.

You mean self-defence.

Wrong. I mean it's the only way to get what I want.

The last book I passed on thoughts about was Cold In July. Here we are, the 6th, I'm wrapped up in my extra hoody whilst having to blow on my fingers to keep them loose. Seriously. 

And we have a new government. I wouldn't normally comment on such things, but a Labour led House of Commons has been such a rare thing in my adult life; after so many past disappointments, this shift needs celebrating. Apart from the rise of the ugliness represented by the Reform party, I'm overjoyed with the result. Just for now there is hope. Sure, it's likely to be a long haul and there will be difficult days and months, but for the first time in an age, change for the better seems possible. Go Keir. 

The book I was reading on the day of the election was The Score by Richard Stark. Perhaps it was a lucky charm. It's a Parker novel, so the quality of the writing barely requires mention- hardboiled, always to the point and as tough as the protagonist. 

I really enjoyed it, though I share some of Parker's own reservations about the escapade. The plan comes from an unknown entity. It involves taking down an entire town. There's only one exit, there's a barracks in the way and it's likely they'll require a small army to carry out the heist. If that weren't bad enough, there's a tail following Parker to the first meeting, which means there's something fishy about the whole package. 

In the end, Parker can't resist. Perhaps that says something of his character, though I'd have expected him to walk away as soon as his senses began to twitch. 

The operation itself is a treat. The twist is not unexpected, but the way it plays out maintains the energy and tension. 

A well told story, then, with the wonderful whiplash turns of phrase and crackling dialogue, just not my favourite in the series is all. 

Wednesday 26 June 2024



I've read and loved the Hap and Leonard books and branched out from there to read Cold In July, a crime novel with a pretty cool twist and a fair pace to it. 

Richard Dane is woken in the middle of the night to disturb a burglar. The burglar takes a shot at Dane and Dane fires back. Only one of the bullets hits the target, and the burglar drops to the ground. 

The police clear Dane from any respobsibility and it looks like life might return to normal once the sofa is changed and the wall's been painted, only the victim's father has just got out of prison and he's not the sort to take the murder of his son lightly. 

The twist, or the first of them, occurs fairly early on and I wouldn't want to continue with any plot description to preserve the surprise for you. What I can say is that a Private Investigator is introduced and that in order to resolve things there are going to be further revelations, scenes of violent action and deepending tensions.

I enjoyed this one well enough, but with a few reservations. There were niggles for me about Dane's actions early on and some of his decisions seemed unlikely. And there's the first-person narrative that doesn't quite bring the depths of the narrator all the way to the surface in the way such a perspective can take. 

Overall, a solid and entertaining novel that offers plenty of thrills and spills, but doesn't pack the emotional punch that I get when following Hap and Leonard.   

Wednesday 19 June 2024


Having just completed the excellent Deadly Honeymoon by Lawrence Block, the fact that I followed up with So Long As You Both Shall Live by Ed McBain suggests an element of design. Truth be told, the McBain was simply the next in the series, so having decided to dip back into the 87th Precinct, back-to-back honeymoon stories became inevitable.

Working your way through a series, no matter how slowly, has its benefits. Character histories, memories of previous plots and the sense of place all allow for smooth running and familiarity. In this case, it also helped glue me to the page until the climax was reached. I'll try and explain. 

Bert Kling marries a model. The party after the ceremony is attended by police and those connected to the modeling industry. Also in attendance is a photographer who is quite besoted by Kling's new bride. Bert and Augusta remove themselves from the attention and retire to their hotel. There's a brief underlining of their love for each other before Bert takes a shower. When he comes out he finds Augusta has gone. He goes through the logical steps of finding her, but when he finds evidence of the use of chloroform, it's clear that Augusta has been taken against her will. 

You can imagine what follows. The 87th will do anything to help Kling out. They round up their snitches, upturn every available stone and look in every dark corner, all to no avail.

So here's the thing. In many a book, it might be clear what's about to happen. The most likely outcome is that the cops will find their suspect and free the wife after a suitable amount of detection and tension. With Kling and McBain, we know that this is in no way a given. Kling has already lost one fiancee, murdered in as a casual bystander in a bookstore (at least I think it was a bookstore- any necessary correction gratefully received) and we know that bad things can happen to anyone as the series progresses. That in itself creates a level of tension that a standalone by another author might not be able to manage in quite such a simple way.  

It's also useful to undersand what Fat Ollie Weeks stands for. Having managed to get precisely nowhere with the investigation, Carella can't refuse Weeks's offer of help on this one. The fact that he's a racist bigot who uses a strong arm more he should is marginally trumped by the fact that he is capable of thorough detective work and loves the legwork more than most. As a reader, it's easy to hate the guy, but it's also possible to be rooting for him 100% given that Kling's world and Augusta's life depend upon it. 

Suffice to say that the conclusion is gripping and the race to the end a real sprint. I'll keep my feelings about what happened to myself and recommend that you read it to find out. 

So Long As You Both Shall Live is a treat. Along with Deadly Honeymoon, it's a book that is an excellent example of what can be done in a short space of time when the quality of the writing is so high. I'd hold these up as excellent examples for those learning to write crime fiction and those who already do. Top notch. 

Thursday 13 June 2024


"We have three weeks. I think we can find them and kill them in three weeks 

"Three weeks is plenty of time," she said. 

It's not the ideal start to Dave and Jill's honeymoon. At their lodge, they witness the murder of a man they've only just met. When the killers are done, they notice that Jill's an attractive woman Within minutes she can no longer claim to be saving herself for the wedding night. 

There must be many ways to respond to such a situation. Dave and Jill, without discussing the issue, arrive at the same conclusion- they must find their attackers and kill them in the time they have left for their vacation.

Problem they have is that they have no information on the murder victim other than his name. What follows is the journey of them moving ever-closer to finding the identities of the men they seek. They rent a motel room in New York, seek information in newspapers and from the connections they locate. Slowly, but surely, they piece together the situation. Along the way, they become wrapped up with gangsters and fiends, finding courage and determination from their need for revenge and unleashing the brutal strength rooted in their anger. 

Deadly Honeymoon is an absolute cracker. A simple concept that's totally engaging from the off and lean as a cyclist on the Tour de France. It has the thrill of a detective story and the lush pleasures of a page turner. 

Wednesday 5 June 2024



'"How do you deal with having all that in your head?" Carla asked. 

Titus put on his sunglasses. 

"I try not do dream," he said as he walked into the house.'

One of the things that can separate a wonderful read from just a good one is the quality of the ingredients. In All The Sinners Bleed, Cosby has gathered only elements of the finest grade and then only those that are absolutely necessary. Not only that, he adds each at precisely the right time and at the perfect temperature to produce a work that is served to us as a feast.

Titus Crown is at the heart of everything. An ex-FBI agent and now the first black sherrif in an overtly racist county, he's got his work cut out for him from the start when a popular white teacher is killed by a young black shooter in the high school. The shooter is killed by two of Crown's cops and when the dust begins to settle, a rift tears through the community and the weight of racist history bears down on Crown as he goes about solving the case.

What makes the plot so rich and thick is Crown's determination to do the right thing in the eyes of the law regardless of anything else. In order to do so, he meets conflicting attitudes all the way. There are the white supremacists fervently defending their beliefs and the civil rights movement who are ready to meet fire with fire. We have a town buried deep in religious passions that Crown has come to despise. The big cheese in town wants a quick resolution to the murder and is ready to pull the rug from under Crown's feet. His own officers need investigating because of the shooting and there are rumours that one of his colleagues is on the take. He's torn between realtionships with two women, one who is good for stability and another that offers excitement and danger. His own past haunts him constantly and there's pressure put upon him to surrender his case to those who may have the resources to bring the case to conclusion. And the depraved killer that the Crown exposes taunts him with new bodies, obscene murders and menacing threats that become increasingly dark as the story progresses. In short, the whole world seems to be working against Crown even, at times,Crown himself. 

It's a brilliant story. Cosby zooms in on personal elements and back out into the broader aspects of detection with genuine ease whilst always maintaining focus, rounding chapters with cliffhangers and gut punches born of simple turns of phrase that always hit the spot. It really is one of those reads that you just don't want to put down.

Loved this, as did the International Thriller Writers who very recenlty awarded it the Best Hardcover Novel prize. Definitely well-deserved. 


Thursday 30 May 2024



Have a thirst for blood? Retribution? Violence and mayhem? 

Come drink from this cup.


Blood-soaked and torso-based, Bishop Rider became THE MAN WHO WOULD NOT STOP. His singular mission, his only goal, a type of carnage most would turn from. The men who destroy Rider’s family, the type of monsters they are, resulting in a decades-long war with Rider vowing to not only burn them, but anyone like them. All things end, however, and Bishop Rider, he proves no exception, succumbing to the cancer that would eventually end him.

But life, it sometimes finds a way.

The fifteen stories in this anthology both brand new tales and written by some of the biggest names working in crime fiction and horror today. Each tale pulled from between the pages of 
A Better Kind of HateThe Big Machine EatsAll of Them To BurnBrand New Dark, and Old Man Rider.

Come for the rage, stay for the dismemberment. See how a dead man makes them burn.

Critical Acclaim for 
Bishop Rider Lives:

“A tour of force. Oil up the wood chipper and put on a rubber apron, because 
Bishop Rider Lives. In the capable hands of some of the best crime writers working today, the stories in this lean anthology are brutal and cathartic, but remain altogether human. What else can I say? Every writer kills in this book.” —Johnny Shaw, author of Big Maria and The Southland

Bishop Rider Lives elevates violence to an art-form: every knife is a paintbrush, every clawhammer a sculptor's chisel. These stories will stay with you long after the last scumbag hangs from his own viscera. Yet amid all the carnage, you may feel these tales tugging at your heartstrings…” —C.W. Blackwell, author of Hard Mountain Clay

“From bad bar keeps getting blown away, to heartbroken moms filling a hole in their heart with the heart of another, to the gruesome slaughter of a wealthy monster—it’s all here and more. 
Bishop Rider Lives is both addictive and chock full of talent whose tales will leave readers ripping through pages and never wanting Bishop Rider’s brand of justice to stop. Five stars.” —Shannon Kirk, international bestselling author of Method 15/33

“Bloody, vengeful, revelatory. Some of today's best crime and horror writers sharpen their power and writing tools and spill blood on the page in righteous tribute to the fiction world’s most justice-focused figure, Bishop Rider. This is an incredible collection of stories not to be missed.” —Curtis Ippolito, author of 
Burying the Newspaper Man

Bishop Rider Lives: An Anthology of Retribution brings together some of the best crime writers from the genre for this fantastic and brutal collection of stories exploring vigilante justice and bloody, heart-pounding, kinetic action sequences. A must read. I finished and wanted more!” —Lee Matthew Goldberg, Anthony and Lefty Award-nominated author of The Mentor and The Great Gimmelmans

Bishop Rider Lives, an all-star cast of crime writers come together to paint the town bloody red. But for all the satisfying gore and payback, the power is in the small moments, the snippets of bystanders and victims’ lives impacted and bettered by our favorite avenging angels. The mission doesn’t simply continue, it flourishes and strains to new emotional highs.” —James Queally, award-winning journalist and critically acclaimed author of the Russell Avery novels

Wednesday 29 May 2024




The fruit is still sitting there. I want it to mean something, but it doesn't.

A couple of weeks ago, I visited my eldest daughter in Utrecht. She took me to an Aldi supermarket there. We filled our shopping bags and, before leaving, stood in a circle next to a payment machine. The invisible scanner totalled up all the items we'd bought and charged us appropriately. I checked the receipt to make sure and it was spot on. To a man of my age and time, this should be mind-blowing, though I'm so used to all the amazing technologies of the world that it was only a minor thrill. 

I wonder what mind-bending technology got Walter Tevis imagining the future. Whatever it was, I'm extremely grateful for its existence. 

Mockingbird tells the story of a possible outcome. Given the challenges that we face with the rapid grown in AI, perhaps this is a book everyone should be reading. It would certainly give them a pause for thought. A moment to take a breath and try and work out what kind of world we might want to aim towards. Surely that would be a sensible thing to do. 

Then again, this is only a work of fiction. 

"The first models of thought buses...broadcast music or pleasant thoughts into the heads of their passengers. Some of the night runs would send out erotic thoughts."

"Why don't they do that anymore? The equipment broke down?"

"No," he said. "As I told you...they don't break down. What happened was that nobody would get off the buses."   

Bentley is different to most of what is left of the human population. He has learned to read, something that doesn't go unnoticed by the Make Nine robot, Spofforth, the most perfect machine ever created who rules New York and maybe the rest of the planet. Spofforth hires Bentley to interpret the captions of ancient silent movies, a job that suits Bentley down to the ground. 

Unfortunately, the curiosity in human history that being literate kindles add to his levels of dissatisfaction and confusion about the nature of life. To find head space he visits the zoo. After a number of trips, it becomes clear that the setup is fake. The animals are always on the move and entertaining and there are always three children there eating ice creams. These children also happen to be the only children Bentley has ever seen.  

There also a beautiful woman living in the reptile house and it turns out she's real. She's also unusual in that she's given up taking the drugs that are freely on offer and prefers, instead, to experience life as an outcast. 

It's not long before Bentley is teaching Mary Lou to interpret text. She's far brighter than he is and picks it up quickly. When they later move in together and discover an ancient library, they have a new landscape to explore, one that takes them away from the isolated individuals who now form the population, the monotony of existence and the regular group suicides that occur on a regularly around the city. 

As their relationship grows, Spofforth is a constant observer. The human echoes in his machine mind create a desire in him that, as leader of all things, is easy for him to satisfy. 

The novel is told through the three central characters, mainly in journal form. This allows a real exploration of the thoughts of the protagonists as well as generating a driving plot that's always engaging. 

Mockingbird has really got me thinking about what lies ahead. Most of all, it has really shown me that there's no way I can visualise the distant future and what it might bring. In place of my own imagination, this novel has taken over. A world where humans are in deep decline and are on the brink of extinction, that's not a hugely unique vision. A place where robots have taken over, do all the thinking, producing and legislating, that's not so farfetched either. What I haven't really pictured before is a planet where the humans have failed and, because they have been unable to maintain any symbiotic relationship with people, so have the robots.

There are so many facets to Mockingbird and it's such a big story that I don't feel I can do it justice. It's the kind of book that it would be great to talk about in a bar or on a walk or in a book group. Other than the elements of the opening where I was slightly put off by the information and explanations, I was totally absorbed. 

Among many other things, it's a reminder of the wonder of reading. The way pages can sometimes be mirrors to gaze into; the link it gives us with other minds; he connections to places and histories that we would never ordinarily get to visit; and the range of emotions it can evoke without leaving the comfort of our homes. 

Three days now I've been sitting on this thought bus. I'm delighted that I finally reached my destination, but now have a thirst for travel and want to hop right back on. 

Ding Ding, next stop All The Sinners Bleed by SA Cosby    

"Why are you all pleasant?" I said. 

"We all are," the bus said. "All thought buses are pleasant. We were all programmed with Kind Feelings and we like our work.'

"That's better programming than people get," I thought with some vehemence. 

"Yes," the bus said. "Yes it is." 

Saturday 25 May 2024



'That man there, I'll tell you what it is about him. He's tired of being in his skin!'

Dr Mahe takes a holiday with his family on Porquerolles. The charm of the island and a mundane order of its residents are so removed from his own existence, that he finds them oddly captivating. 

His obsession with the place grows when he is called to help a dying woman who lives in poverty in the locality. While attending, he becomes captivated by the woman's eldest daughter, a young thing in a red dress. 

Said obession grows out of all proportion and worsens on each return to the island. As he becomes increasingly accepted as part of the fabric of the community, his psyche unravels, crumbling as his unhealthy relationships with the women in his life rot away his insides. 

I didn't find this a pleasurable read. The subject matter isn't easy to digest and it's not easy watching such a cold and unbalanced human being dissolve before your eyes. 

All a bit too bleak and harrowing for my taste these days and perhaps overblown and overwritten in some ways. The journey of the decline isn't one I'd wish upon others, but if you go in knowing it's not going to be easy, perhaps you be able to ride those glistening waves better than I (or Mahe) managed. 

The Mahe Circle 

Thursday 23 May 2024



'There were certain things to be said in favour of drinking in the mornings. He had discovered, quite by accident, that it could be a fine thing, on a grey, dismal morning, - a morning of limp, oyster-coloured weather - to be gently, but firmly drunk, making a pleasure of melancholy.'

Having listened to the fabulous radio drama of the book over at bbc sounds, I couldn't resist giving the book a read and I'm so glad I did. It arrived on Monday in the post and I dived straight in. 

The novel was published just before I was born and so, in many ways, is dealing with a period of time that I don't fully know. That said, the state of the world's health and the precarious nature of civilisation now and during my lifetime haven't changed a great deal and we may still require help as a species if we're going to find the best way forward. 

I'm sure many of you have been here already, but for those who haven't, Newton appears on Earth selling diamond rings to raise funds. With apparent ease, he sets up in business with a patent specialist and sets about putting his plan into action. After accumulating many millions of dollars, he begins his project: the building of a spaceship that he intends to send to his planet Anthea to save whoever is left and bring them here. Anthea has suffered from endless wars that have all but desroyed Newton's home and the making of this ship is a last-gasp attemtp to rescue his people. 

In order to protect himself from the public eye, he becomes close to only a few. There's Betty Jo, a nurse/housekeeper who has a simple charm, warmth and plain way about her, and Nathan Bryce, a chemist who worked for a time with Oppenheimer to help produce nuclear weapons and who has since struggled to find meaning or forgiveness in his life. They're excellent foils for Newton and, because each of them like a tipple, Newton soon becomes addicted to alcohol.

Of course, humans being humans, it's never going to be easy for Newton to complete his mission. Greed, suspicion, arrogance and a lust for power provide significant obstacles. These obstacles are the developments you'll need to discover for yourself.    

Tevis sets all this up with aparent ease. There's never a moment where belief needs to be suspended and I was hooked from the wonderful opening. He builds up the conflicts and plot in terrific style, jumping between points of view and layering the characters beautifully. 

Newton is quite someting. He possesses a gentle grace and brittle charm that is absolutely endearing. His thinking patterns and way of being make him vulnerable. His knowledge and love of art, history and culture allows him to develop a genuine fondness for the human species, in spite of all its flaws. His brittle frame and love of solitude, the sense of alienation he carries with such stoicism, the delicate phrasing of his words, the insight and the existential angst that trouble him endlessly, that love of the anaesthetic that is drink, all of these things make him a tragic and noble figure. For me, there are faint echoes of Gatsby and Nick Carrway in the relationship between Newton and Bryce, but that could simply be because of the gin and martinis. 

And what's it all about? The meaning of life, perhaps. A warning about the hazards of filling the world with weapons and putting them in the hands of complete and utter nutters. A reminder that the world's resources are pretty special and that we're lucky to have them. The human condition. A mention that, to many of us, life makes no sense and yet we need to find purpose. A hint that if we can't find purpose, there are positive and negative ways in which we can distract ourselves. A celebration of the things that people have created in art and science. A reminder that dignity and honesty are qualities that should go a long way. And perhaps there's another message in there about looking after those who are differnent that ourselves, to give people space and room to breathe, remember that everyone is carrying packs of different weights and sizes and if we can help share that load along the way, it might just be a very good thing. 

Whatever the main themes, I adored it. There were a couple of chapters of introspection that put the brakes on the story more than I'd have liked, but that's a minor point.  

Pure class.

First thing I did once I got over the emotional turbulence created by the ending was to order a copy of Mockingbird from the library. The sooner it gets across the county and into my hands, the better. 

Sunday 19 May 2024



'Despite whatever the National Rifle Association had to say about man's inherent right to bear arms and to go romping in the woods in search of game, Carella (and every other cop in the city) would have liked nothing better than a law forbidding private citizens to own or carry a gun of any kind for any purpose whatever. But police officers did not have a powerful lobby in Washington, even though they were the ones who daily reaped the whirlwind while the gun manufacturers reaped in the profits.'

Patricia staggers along to the police station, hands and face slashed by a blade. Not too far away, her cousin lies dead in a pool of her own blood. 

Because Patricia survives, there's an eye witness to the murder and a line up is arranged. Because of the outcome of the line up, Patricia creates a new story which offers a truth that her family find impossible to digest, given that it names her brother as the killer. 

Not only is the brother fingered for the crime, he's also accused of sexual acts unbecoming Blood Relations

This one was an interesting read for me. 

First of all, I read it in a day. I can't remember the last time I completed a novel in such a short time. Maybe that's because I have time on my hands just now or perhaps it's due to the page-turning nature of the story. Both are probably true. 

It's also unusual in that I managed to identify the killer by page 30. It's not like me to be so sharp in this respect and I couldn't wait to find out if I'd correctly cracked the case. 

Blood Relatives tells an intriguing story. It's laden with sexual intrigue and language and delves deep into the darkness when required. It's also heavy in terms of the procedural references and explanations. I always appreciate McBain's legal asides as they often add authenticity to the police work. In the case of this novel, I feel he's taken a step too far in that department. It's as if the publisher asked him to throw in extra facts for the readership. This doesn't spoil the story significantly and, on occasions adds a smile, but it was a little much for me as it slowed the pace down just when I didn't want it to. 

That said, it's an excellent story and Steve Carella is in excellent form, dolling out justice in his own way and wishing he could deal out more for crimes yet to be commited. 

A healthy 7 out of 10. 

Thursday 16 May 2024



My lovely car share friend recommended this to me on Monday and I'm so glad she did (thanks Emily). 

It's a cracking adaptation of The Man Who Fell To Earth and is available over at BBC Radio.

I've not read the book, but loved it so much that I decided that I'll put that right very soon. 

Excellent work. 

Sunday 12 May 2024

One Man's Opinion: BREAD by ED McBAIN

Bread is a belter of a book. It's great on a couple of fronts. First of all, the case being investigated is wide and complex. There are a lot of bodies and there's plenty of detection. Secondly, the chemistry of the detectives is effervescent, what with the return of Cotton Hawes and the need for he and Carella to work alongside Ollie Weeks from the 83rd. 

It's August and it's hot. Many of the 87th are on vacation, which is why Roger Grimm is forced to come in to the station when the detective handling the case (Andy Parker) of his torched warehouse leaves the investigation to take his break. 

Grimm needs a speedy resolution to the arson case in order to convince the insurance companies to pay up so that he can buy his next shipment of small wooden animals and make a killing when he sells them on. Carella's sympathetic to Grimm's cause, after all there would be no logic to Grimm burning his own stock given the way the circumstances are explained. 

The only problem is, to proceed with the case, Carella needs to go to speak to Parker. Parker's no friend of Carella at the best of times. Given that he's at home in his shorts and vest with a beer in his hand, he's less inclined to talk about police work than ever. He's the bad apple in the force- violent, opinionated, lazy and racist, to name but a few of his traits. He talks a good game on this one, but when Carella follows up, it's clear that Parker has given his usual below-par minimum. 

After Grimm's home is also torched, Carella and Hawes dig deep. In doing so, they set off a chain reaction that make the threads of the case difficult to hold. One of the them is the murder of a suspect in the case, a junkie who wears fine suits and drives a Cadillac, which happens to be in the territory of the 83rd. 

Enter Ollie Weeks (aka Big Ollie, aka Fat Ollie), a huge man with personal hygiene issues and a streak of racism running through him that's as wide as he is broad. He digs into a new element of the case, a financial institution looking to clean up Diamondback's slums. He also digs deep into the patience of liberal-minded Cotton Hawes who finds the new working set-up intolerable. It's only Carella who manages to keep Hawes on the case, explaining that while Weeks might be a pig, he also happens to be a tenacious detective with a range of skills that will be useful during this investigation. 

The three work together, bringing those threads together to form a curious tapestry. 

There's little to be said without giving away spoilers, but suffice to say the interview room set pieces are top drawer and the psychological angles employed by the detectives are spot on. 

A great case, then, and fabulous entertainment. 

The question is, will we see Ollie Weeks again? Part of me, like Carella and Hawes, hopes he'll disappear into the mist. The other part thinks he's a great asset to the books and the needles he pokes his colleagues with add a nice dose of spice to the series. 

Wednesday 8 May 2024



'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.'

After I was about a third of the way into this book, I realised that I want my next writing to be in the first person. That desire has something to do with the quips and internal thoughts of Lou Archer, the private investigator protagonist of The Doomsters. I loved the way his descriptions and thoughts are so well outlined and feel that it's because it's in his own words that the crisp cutting edge really works. Which, I guess, gives a strong indication that I enjoyed this book quite a lot. 

It has a cracking opening. Carl Hallman, on the run from a psychiatric institution, knocks on the door and asks for help. Hallman is believed to be central to the deaths of his parents, but he has recently come into some information about the family doctor that has set alarm bells ringing wildly in his head. He needs help to delve further into the mire of his past in order to liberate himself from a personal torture. 

Archer persuades Hallman to return to the hospital for treatment, promising to work the case while Hallman continues to recover, only on the way back, Hallman knocks him out and steals his car. 

That would normally be enough to put a person off, but Archer is attracted to the man's desperation and to the sense that there has been an injustice somewhere along the way that needs righting. 

Cue a visit to the Hallman ranch. 

The police are out in force awaiting Carl's return. Though there's a policy to take Carl alive, Archer isn't so sure that will be the outcome. He sticks around to meet the other players in Carl's life: his loyal wife, his stoic brother, his sister-in-law and daughter, the family doctor (aka the sister-in-law's lover), the cops and some of the help. 

To further the complexity of the case, there's an element of personal involvement for Archer as the junkie who escaped with Hallman happens to be one of Archer's failed projects from way back. 

The whole murky pond is full of these sharks who appear to have their eyes on the same prize- the Hallman family fortune.

Needless to say, there's a whole lot of unpicking to be done. While at work, we get to explore the flaws of the family and, perhaps more significantly, the detective doing the digging, which makes this one hell of a journey.

The opening is terrific. The build-up gathers at a pleasing pace. Each individual scene is masterfully handled. Layers are peeled away and added with ease. The bleak explorations into the human condition have real impact. In all these respects, it's excellent. 

A few tiny issues. To my mind, there are so many strings to unravel that things became confusing at times and I had to think hard. And the denouement comes in the form of a big reveal, a huge exposition explaining everything away (much as this worked, it also left no room for the this reader's personal satisfaction of being on the right trail at some point along the way).

Lots to love, then, and much to reflect upon. 

And regardless of that ending, I'm definitely diving in to write in the first person when my next idea comes along.  


Monday 6 May 2024

Mind The Gap

It often happens this way. I've chipped away at a work in progress, smoothed off the rough edges, roughed up the smooth. It's been hard work to carry the story and to go with its flow, and then the end is in sight. 

I love the feeling that it will all soon be over. That I'll finally have a finished draft and know how things eventually played out. It's one of those magical joys that deserves to be savoured and cherished, each moment treated with respect and reflection. And what do I do? Dash as quickly as I can without a care, like a child sprinting down a mountainside ignoring each and every peril. 

The rush is amazing. Not quite the high of a drug or the buzz of a roller coaster, but not far off.

And there it is. Two week's writing crammed into twenty-four hours and it's all done. I can take a planned break to do some emotional and mental recharging.  

Which is terrific, isn't it? 

Just now I'm not so sure, which may be why I'm here trying to talk myself out of the anti-climax that comes post-completion. 

On the face of it, I should be proud and delighted. I now have two finished novellas in the bag, both lying low for now. Without going into too much detail, they're collaborative pieces and the next layer of attention comes from elsewhere. I know they're both brilliant stories and I'm confident that the quality of prose is high. Having them there in the back pocket is a good feeling. One day they'll be released into the world and that will bring a new thrill all of its own.  

But today sucks. 

Bank Holiday Monday. No teaching to distract. No story to write. There's nothing to do but busy myself with the things I want to do. 

Which is the problem. 

What I want to do is write. To feed from the adrenaline coasting around my body from the delight of completion. Sketch out a short story or a poem, perhaps. Pick up the trail of something unfinished. Dive right back in and hide from whatever it is that writing allows me to ignore. 

And yet, the sensible part of me knows that would be futile. It's the break I need and I'll be all the better for it once I can settle into the temporary rhythm that lies between stories. 

So I'm twitching. Typing out this to keep my fingers busy. The washing's done, the bathrooms clean, I have a floor to mop and, later this afternoon, the steady beat of a walk will keep me sane. 

It all makes me think of the announcement on the tube when the platform is that little bit further away from the train door that is usual. Be mindful of the gap between stories. Use the time well. If you have any tips on how to do that, I'm open to all advice.  

Thursday 18 April 2024

The County Line


ONLY £1 in the UK today for this STEVE WEDDLE novel. A steal. 

From Steve Weddle, the author who the New York Times calls “downright dazzling,” 

Wednesday 3 April 2024


'Like a woman in her tenth month, the clouds over the city twisted and roiled in angry discomfort, but refused to deliver the promised snow.'

I was a little taken aback with this. In a recent 87th, I'm pretty sure I came across an old lady called Sadie and imagined she'd be the subject of the book. I couldn't have been more wrong.

Sadie When She Died shouldn't be as good as it is. In some ways, it has a Columboesque feel in that we're pretty sure of our ground from the off. 

Carella and Kling are working the case in the main. It's coming up to Christmas and the world is under pressure to buy gifts and be jolly. The cops, they need to find their pleasure in solving cases. 

This one seems pretty open and shut. A well-to-do lawyer returns home following a burglary to find his wife has been stabbed. There are open windows and there's a trail of blood, prints and witnesses that means new technician Marshall Davies believes he'll have it wrapped up in no time. And he's right, only there's something that doesn't feel right. The husband, when interviewed at the scene, tells Carella that he's 'very glad she's dead' and that he's 'delighted that someone killed her'. 

Carella's spidey-senses prickle at that, as well they might, and because of that we know, just like he does, what has really happened. 

Said husband proceeds to court and taunt Carella for reasons that are difficult to fathom, while Kling is stuck somewhere between trying to forge a new relationship with one of the case's witnesses while hoping to get back together with former sweetheart, Cindy. 

We get to travel to some new places in Isola, viewing it from the top of its range to its bottom. There's a diary code to solve, a cop beating, a series of ex-lovers to be grilled and some great work from the technical team. 

The way the personal and the professional lives of our detectives are wrapped together is a real treat. The case itself is intriguing though not intense, while Kling's relationship dilemmas bring a whole heap of tension to the party.

A load of fun.




Friday 29 March 2024



Here's one you can read for free if you have an account with Net Galley

It's also available over here at Amazon

This is what you're in for if you get on board for the ride:

"Blending literary suspense, travelogue, and a spirit of uneasy eroticism, HELEN BONAPARTE plumbs the heart and needs of a bored academic ... This is a full-bodied, sumptuously written, always perceptive study of yearning for something more, as Helen works through a moment of existential crisis, eager for connection ... [D'Stair] brings poetic vigor to Helen's imaginings and occasional pushing of boundaries, deftly mingling desire, tension, and the feeling that things could go very wrong ... the prose startles, dazzles, informs, and pleases." PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

Middle-aged, middling academic Helen Bonaparte has left her husband and children at home for a week-long Italian group tour with strangers. Happy with her home life, but needing self-renewal, she intends to sulk in the corners of buses and museums for a week, indulging in great art but scowling the rest of the world away.

Until, that is, she meets Marieke, the tour guide, who becomes the object of erotic fantasies Helen didn't even know she had.

As each day passes, Helen's home life recedes, only to be replaced with increasingly bizarre, invasive, and always secretive ways to get closer to Marieke. As she meanders around tourist gems of Renaissance Italy, Helen must come to terms with her new obsession, existing just on the border of dream and disillusionment, the imaginative and the mundane, the sacred and the profane.

A Dead Guy Who Won't Stay Dead - Free For Easter


Drawn In is one of my favourtes in terms of work I've written. I love the concept and it feels pretty original. 

As part of the plot, there's a dead guy who just won't stay dead, so what better time to give it away than Easter. 

There's more to it than that, of course. In fact, said dead guy is merely an obstacle.

Anyway, it's free this weekend and I hope you enjoy it. 



Sunday 24 March 2024



Amazon UK

Amazon US

Passing through Detroit, Tom meets brother and sister Ruth and Calvin Styles whose parents were murdered two years ago.

Ruth and Calvin have been trying to discover who was behind the killings and their investigation has stirred up a hornet’s nest such that they themselves now have targets on their backs.

Determined to protect them, Tom takes on the siblings’ powerful enemies – a corrupt unit within the police force who will do whatever it takes to stop the truth getting out. Even worse, the bad cops are in bed with street gangs they can unleash on anyone who poses a threat.

Tom soon finds himself caught in the middle of a raging gang war while being relentlessly pursued by dirty police who want to terminate him – with extreme prejudice.

Outnumbered and outgunned, Tom will have to dig deep and use every one of his deadly skills if he is to keep brother and sister alive and get justice for their family.

Full Throttle - Book 12 in the superb Tom Rollins action thriller series. Perfect for fans of Lee Child, Jason Kasper & David Archer.

Thursday 14 March 2024

When Eric Met Duane

Just look at this for a cracking event. It's way too far for me, but I reckon if you're within a hundred miles or so, this should be on the to do list. If you can't make it along, you can buy the books to offer support by following the links. 

 You do make it, let me know how it went. I promise I won't be too jealous. 

 The Last Few Miles Of Road by Eric Beetner: AMAZON UK AMAZON US 

 California Bear by Duane Swierczynski: AMAZON UK AMAZON US

Thursday 7 March 2024


 Tell us something about yourself!

My name is Martta Kaukonen and I'm a Finnish thriller writer. My debut novel psychological thriller Follow the Butterfly has been sold to 13 countries. It made the Spiegel bestseller list in Germany and is being adapted for a TV series by American-German production company Legendary Tobis TV. The English translation will be published by Pushkin Press 7.3.2024. Before I became a full-time author, I was a film critic for Finland’s biggest newspaper Helsingin Sanomat. I’ve interviewed the likes of Robert Downey Jr. and Justin Bieber. Alongside writing, I love psychological thrillers, film noir, flea markets, abandoned houses and travelling. Fun fact: I met my future husband at his second hand bookshop and fell in love.

Can you tell us something about your thriller Follow the Butterfly?

My novel has two main characters, Clarissa and Ida. Clarissa is a renowned therapist who isn’t afraid to explore the darkest side of humanity. Haunted by the death of a young patient, she will do whatever it takes to save the most vulnerable. But when Ida – angry, damaged and seemingly suicidal – walks into her office, Clarissa may have met her match. For Ida has secrets. Murderous secrets, which mark her like a bloodstain. Somehow, Clarissa must find the key to unlock Ida’s past. So she makes a bargain with her – six months to stop Ida taking her own life. But what if she has entered a game more deadly, and more evil, than she could ever imagine.

What inspired you to write this book and to explore these characters/themes?

I never thought that I would write fiction because I’ve worked as a journalist for so long and I knew it would not be fun and games but hard work. I also thought that I would never invent an interesting story. But one evening I was laying in my bed and waiting to fall asleep when I heard the first five lines of my book in my head. I took my iPhone and dictated the lines to the dictaphone. In the morning I started to write Follow the Butterfly. I knew the beginning of the book and pretty soon I knew the ending but I didn’t know what happened in between. Luckily my main character Ida took me by the hand and led me from the beginning to the end.

How did you come to write this book, how did the idea of the book originate?

To this day I don’t know where the story came to me! It was totally subconscious. But I guess it was because I had been reading so many psychological thrillers since I fell in love with Gillian Flynn’s novel Dark Places (it is still my favourite Flynn novel). Something had to come out of the excessive exposure to all those terrifying stories.

Do you have any idols?

Oh, so many! Gillian Flynn is a genius. I’ve read all her novels several times. I love Elizabeth Little’s Dear Daugter. Joyce Maynard’s thriller To Die For made a huge impact on me. Jessica Knoll’s new thriller Bright Young Woman blew my mind. Paula Hawkins, Erin Kelly, Mary Kubica, Amanda Coe, Lucia Whitehouse… the list goes on!

  Otto Virtanen / WSOY

What is your favourite hobby?

My favourite hobby is to read ”old” women’s magazines from the 1990s or from the beginning of 2000s. As you read them you soon realize that so many things that are now considered important, trendy or talked about are only a couple of decades later (mostly just a couple of years later) indifferent, ridiculous or boring. It gives you a perspective and makes you realize that the trendy things aren’t very important after all, and so you shouldn’t take yourself or most other things too seriously.