Friday 3 August 2018

In Loco Parentis

In Loco Parentis is a story I'm very proud of. It's published today by All Due Respect books.

I know that some of you have read this already and I'm very grateful for that. If you're in that camp and you enjoyed it, I'd appreciate it if you could help spread the word in some way - a tweet, a mention during one of your book conversations with friends, a Facebook post. You know the kind of thing. 

If you've not been there before and need a read that might challenge, shock and entertain, then this could well be it. Here's the nutshell it's wrapped up in:  

Joe Campion is the kind of teacher any child would want for their class. He’s also the kind of teacher who never turns down a drink, a smoke or a lay. 

When Joe finds out some of his students are suffering abuse, he doesn’t trust the system to take care of it. His impulsive nature, dedication to his pupils and love of women lead him on a long, strange and bloody trip. 


In Loco Parentis is terrific, start to finish.” —Charlie Stella, author of Tommy Red 

“Beautiful, painful and excruciatingly brilliant writing.” —McDroll, crime fiction author 

“A unique voice that sets the writing head and shoulders above and apart.” —Anonymous-9, author of Hard Bite and Bite Harder 

“The writing is beautiful and spare and by the end I felt a cathartic relief. This story is a roller coaster ride of emotion, but a ride well worth taking.” —Mike Miner, author of Hurt Hawks  

I'm delighted that All Due Respect have put this out and hope that I'll be able to return their faith by helping to get word out and generate a few sales. It's a small publisher, but isn't it the small publishers that really help keep the world of books interesting? I've seen enough of them fold in recent years to know that it's a perilous business. It's a vital one, nonetheless. One we all need to keep in mind every so often. So, if In Loco Parentis isn't to your taste, I'd be just as pleased if you went along to their site and chose another of their titles (there's enough variety in there for any crime fiction and noir fan) to take home or download to your device. Go check them out. 

And if you'd like a copy of In Loco Parentis, you can buy one at:

The Down and Out Bookstore
 Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon Canada
Barnes and Noble

If you don't want to pay, but fancy a read, why not order a copy for your local library? That works, too.

Big thanks are due to Chris Rhatigan for putting the whole thing together and JT Lindroos for a beautiful cover. Cheers guys. 

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