Thursday, 27 February 2014


When I first put out Dirty Old Town, I approached the selling of the book with a zeal that was completely over the top. I felt it was good. When I felt good, I thought it was really good. I wanted everyone to know that and to help me on my way. 

Being blessed and cursed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, I went for it. My head didn't allow me to rest or hold back and I couldn't resist the pressure that built up. I dropped in everywhere and generally became an irritation. When people pointed out the irritation, I tried to argue back and the tale ended badly. It was just wrong.

In spite of that, the good people at the Kindle Users Forum just seemed to allow me to find my pace. To let me get it all out of my system until I realised what I was doing. It took a while, but I got it in the end. The good folk there have shown patience and kindness in numerous ways. Help has come in the form of consoling, soothing, editing out mistakes in my work, confidence boosting and understanding. I have a thread there that I add to fairly regularly. It's fun and allows me to communicate with the world without getting in anyone's face (or at least I hope so). 

I'd like to think I've given a little back from time to time. If I haven't, submitting work to the Off The Kuf series is my way of offering thanks. The funds raised will help to keep the forum going and I'm all for that. There's the full range of information for discussion from the technological side of things for readers or writers to author advice, suggestions of new and good reads and general fun and socialising. I'm all for the place and hope it can grow in terms of what it offers without losing it's pleasant vibe.

It's not a place that will work for everyone, but if you've not been over why not take a look here.

The other side of being part of an anthology is trying to find a few new readers for your work. I'm hoping that I might find one or two in the process. If you're here, I presume you've read something of mine before, so if you pick up this collection of novellas you'll find someone new. Something here will definitely grab you.

My story is The Rocks Below. You'll see in the margin here that it's on sale for 78p. Pick up the KUF 3 and you'll get 6 novellas for only £1.99. That seems like a bargain to me. A solid bargain.

My reasons for choosing The Rocks Below as a submission were varied. First of all, it has no swearing, killing or sex and that seemed to rule out potential controversy for the forum and this collection. Secondly, it's been a little neglected on the shelves and that makes me sad - it's a fine story and I just hope it's read. Third, I never really knew how to pitch it - it's got a dash of science fiction and it's suitable for a younger reader. Finally, it's about spreading word about environmental issues and getting people (young people, in particular) to think about what we do to our beautiful land in order to exploit resources - I'm sure the weather has done a pretty good job of spreading that message by itself. 

During the recent flooding catastrophes around Britain, it was interesting to hear some of the messages from the government. The good news (cheer here) is that they'll be doing everything they can to stop future flooding and will spend as much as they need to to sort it all out. The other news, they'd love to encourage Fracking in any way possible - extended reliance on fossil fuels, the risk of contaminating a rather precious water supply and spoiling areas of natural beauty in the process. For messages read mixed messages. 

Rant over (that wasn't supposed to be here). 

Basically, I'd like you to think about checking out the KU Forum and it's offerings and see how you like it. It'll never appeal to all, but if you're a lover of stories I'm pretty sure there'll be something there for you to enjoy at some level. 


Here's the blurb:

Off the KUF Volume 3 is an anthology of novellas, guaranteed to appeal to readers of all genres!

This book brings together six novellas into one 125,000-word collection. Each contains narratives of more depth and richness than a short story could handle, while delivering a punchier impact than a full-length novel. No matter what your tastes, there is plenty here to engage your imagination.

Volume 3 is edited by David Wailing and the contributing authors are Cecilia Peartree, Carl Ashmore, Nigel Bird, Jonathan Hill, David Wailing and Jennifer Hanning. The front cover is by Katie Stewart at Magic Owl Designs.

The Off the KUF trilogy of anthologies is brought to you by the Kindle Users Forum (KUF). All proceeds from ebook sales are used to maintain the forum. Join us at

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