Having turned 50 and made it over the line for another year,
the coinciding drives to shake things up have come together to suggest
I’m not sure what those alterations are going to be exactly,
but I can feel them. Mostly they consider time to be a wonderful asset and the
wasting of it a crime. They way I spend it isn’t entirely of my choosing. My teaching
job has to stay because my writing income falls way short. My children need me
around, albeit in a less intense form. The house needs cleaning and
maintaining. I need to write and to find time to rest.
Among the many other uses of my time, I’d say that the
internet takes up a huge amount of what’s left (and even eats into the other
things I should or could be doing). It’s not that I do exciting things when I
surf, it’s more that I find some kind of comfort in my browsing. I feel the
need to do less of it and the blog is going to change because of that. I’m
intending to do a monthly update, starting today, that encompasses things that
might be of interest to others, particularly in the world of writing and
fiction. I’ll throw in other aspects of life as they seem important. If you
enjoy it, stick around. If not, point your board in another direction.
December 2014
I’ve already posted a review of Steve Finbow’s Down
Among The Dead and would urge you to take a look at it. The immediacy
of the story and the way a simple life is gnawed away at by an unforgiving past
makes this intense and powerful. The book’s as long as it has to be to tell the
story and I loved it.
Next came Hugh C Rae’s The
Shooting Gallery. This one’s published by 280 Steps, a resurrection
from days gone by. The book came as something of a revelation and I’ve clearly
been missing something in my choice of reading material in the past. It opens
with the body of a young man being dumped at a bleakly set hospital in a small
Scottish town. Superintendent McCaig and a team of police officers set about
identifying the curious issues surrounding the case, one that is complicated by
the victim’s connections to society and to local heroin suppliers. We get to
see the story unfold from many angles as Rae uses his characters to enlighten.
Each perspective is outlined in broad detail and also exposes the personal
landscapes of those involved. This novel is a slow burn. Rae describes moods
and scenes in great detail and chooses similes and imagery like a natural (He
blobbed out the paint until the air bubbles told him it was all gone, then
tossed the gnarled tube over his shoulder like a peasant appeasing the devil
with a pinch of salt). One the one hand, this is a page-turner of sorts, on the
other it’s a book to be savoured. The only downside to this one relates to the
errors – some odd words appear from time-to-time and an issue with the
occasional lack of opening speech marks was slightly disconcerting. I’ve
already stocked up on a couple of other books by Mr Rae and look forward to
taking them on later this year.
Then came a collection of crime novella’s called Russian
Roulette: The Konstantin Files by Keith Nixon. This one’s a collection
of novellas that work around two main characters, the cool, collected and
lethal Russian Konstantin and a sympathetic dominatrix, Fidelity Brown.
Konstantin washes up in Margate to lie low and has nothing to lose. He
encounters a local gang and deals with them in a quick and brutal fashion. They
didn’t stand a chance. Konstantin becomes involved with the lowlife of the
local drug-scene and wipes it up with the ease with which a cleaner might mop a
floor. Konstantin’s life becomes complicated by the arrival of Fidelity Brown
into her life. She needs help in dealing with some financial problems with the
local colour. Fortunately for her, and in spite of a sense of caring about
nothing, Konstantin takes a shine to her that will see her protected and
delving into some of the more complicated issues of her younger days. It’s a
hard-hitting collection that will offer plenty to fans of urban crime, dark
humour and huge KGB agents who are practically indestructible. My favourites,
by some way, were the openers and these alone are well worth the price of entry.
Publisher Caffeine Nights promise ‘fiction aimed at the heart and the head...’
and with Russian Roulette they come close to hitting the bull's eye.
Short Story Corner

A couple of great tracks for you.
The first is by Billie Marten called
Ribbon. This young lady has a hauntingly beautiful voice and it needs to be
shared. I hope (and believe) that we’ll all be hearing a lot more from her in
2015 and beyond.
Next, a band that tickle me, The Saint
Gillbillies. I can’t find the track I’d hoped to as I’m not sure it’s
out yet, so here’s a filler. A very cool interpretation of The Message.
Southsiders is out there and ready to be read. There’s some love
for it and there’s been quite a lot of faint praise. However others see it, I’m
very proud of it. I’ll be working on the edits to the sequel as soon as I get
them and will be starting work on #3 in the series very soon. It’s nice to
enter a new year with a couple of things to get immediately involved in on the writing
Talking of writing, there’s a new issue of Needle Magazine
(as in a magazine of noir). It features a story that was co-written by Chris
Rhatigan and I and I hope you’ll consider picking up a copy as it’s always a
thing of beauty out and in.
Bits and Pieces
For my 50th birthday, I was treated to a day out
at the Lyceum, Edinburgh to see an adaptation of The BFG. This one was adapted by David Wood and directed by Andrew
Panton and I loved it. It’s done for now, but I’ll be hoping they return with
something next year because I’d be more than happy to make these guys part of
an annual event.
Also, With Love And Squalor's free just now.
Also, With Love And Squalor's free just now.
And that’s about it.
Belated Happy New Year folks. I’ll be seeing you.
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