Monday, 3 March 2025

One Man's Opinion: WATCHMAN by IAN RANKIN

This one I should have read years ago. Still, better late than never. 

Watchman tells the tale of Miles Flint, a long-time spy who spends his life watching people for a job and as an excuse to occupy his time so that he needn't go home to his wife. 

Early on, he becomes ensnared in a case involving the shadowing of an individual in a fine London establishment. When the target of the observation slips away and throws Miles a knowing smile, something seems off. And it most definitely is. What follows in an unraveling of the investigation and all it touches.  

It took me a while to get into this. The opening pages stutter a little. There's a lot to get across and it feels slightly laboured. Thankfully, early jitters were soon overcome and I was sucked into the story so far that I couldn't stop reading. 

Flint's world is intriguing. It's set in a time of Irish terrorism and there's a spate of bombings in London that are keeping everyone busy. The structure of his organisation is fascinating and the characters, generally likened to specific species of beetle, are highly individual. It has a nice drive and a lovely sense of humour (P G Wodehouse meets The Thirty Nine Steps?). 

As the machinations unfold (infidelity, government ministers, journalists, terrorist cells, family complications, cross and double cross, betrayal and back-stabbing, to name those that come to mind) Watchman picks up the pace until it's fairly rattling along. I was loving every minute.

The plot is rather involved and it's a matter of trust that all the loose ends will be explained and tied up by the end. I'd say that the closing chapters are a little like the flesh of the villain as he is exposed- doughy and a on the sticky side. Though everything was ultimately resolved, it felt a bit too contrived and not quite as explosive as the earlier scenes. I guess I just wanted something more. 

All in all, a lot of fun and, bar the opening and close, riveting stuff.  

Saturday, 1 March 2025



Before I picked up Italo Calvino's Into The War, I started Graham Greene's Stamboul Train. Much as I enjoyed the evocative sleeper train mood and some excellent scene description, I just couldn't get over the character often refered to as the Jew. I'm normally good at putting things into context and I'm happy to allow authors to play around with the belief systems of their characters, but this just didn't feel right. Perhaps it was shining a light on prejudice. Whatever it was doing, it was too much for me to stomach and I decided not to carry on. There were a few other reasons - slight confusions, unlikely happenings and a sense that it wouldn't be worth the effort even if I had made it to the end. You can tell me I made a mistake in the comments, but I'm happy that I pushed it aside. 

With that as a partial context, fleshed out with the rise of the right wing in recent German elections and the crazy events in the US where the president appears more deranged and dangerous than many of us suspected, a dip into Calvino seemed apt. 

I've read a number of novels by Calvino and loved them, though it was so long ago now that the memories aren't as firm as I might have hoped. This was my first encounter with his short autobiographical work. I had high expectations and wasn't disappointed. 

Mussolini has just declared war and we get three pieces written by a teenage boy with a sense of subversion and a keen eye for detail. There are elements that seem ethereal alongside those that are surreal. There are harsh realities, humourous observations and a sense of the bizarrenes of it all. Smoking, sex and mischief figure heavily, as you might expect, as does the probing into the regimentation of the youth as they are forced into banal roles within the fascist structure. 

Each story is short, though punches way above it's size. It's definitely worth reading and a reminder to us, if we're not there aleady, that Into The War is not a place we want to be. Those that want to stir the pot for their own selfish ends or to flex and increase their power on the world stage, be warned.